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Delivering Value

Excellent stewardship of the tax dollars and resources that the community entrusts to their local school district is of utmost importance to the Board of Education, and the fiscal office plays a key role in achieving that goal.  This office carries out many responsibilities including paying bills, processing payroll, budgeting, financial reporting, insurance, compliance, investment and debt management, and the safeguarding of public resources, just to name a few.

One of the foundational objectives of the school district is to provide a high quality educational experience for our learners at a cost effective price, adding value to community property owners and taxpayers.  As stewards of the community's annual investment in its schools, the district has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that this investment is protected, and the fiscal office is part of meeting that responsibility.

School finance can be a complex subject.  In an effort to provide transparent financial data, the district produces various financial reports, including the annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).  However, if you have questions about school finance or district operations or need additional information, please feel free to contact our office.

Financial Documents

Shaun Bevan
Chief Financial Officer | Treasurer
513.398.3623 ext. 20120

Mason City Schools Treasurer's office works behind the scenes with teachers and staff across the District to meet the financial obligations of the District.  From processing payroll to depositing funds to paying invoices, we take the financial responsibility entrusted to us very seriously and our team is proud to have been recognized for perfectly clean audits and excellence in financial reporting with the Ohio Auditor of State Award of Distinction!

Treasurer's Office Team