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Special Education

Recognizing & Building on Each Child's Gifts

At Mason City Schools, we believe ALL students possess unique strengths, and we are committed to building upon each child’s gifts in a caring and supportive manner. We offer a continuum of services to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. We promote inclusion by providing these services in the least restrictive environment (LRE) which means that to the maximum extent appropriate services are provided in the general education environment.

Mason City Schools utilizes a model based off of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and personalization to discover the strengths and needs of struggling learners. The model values collaboration and recognizes that the learner and parents are core members of the team. This process requires the team to analyze and identify issues of concern, areas of strength, set individual goals, brainstorm options for interventions, develop an action plan and gather data to determine the effectiveness of the intervention plan.

Emphasis is placed on success in the curriculum by meeting the student at their current levels of learning, honoring individual learning styles and implementing research-based interventions to support progress. If interventions required to promote student progress are ongoing, intensive, and specialized the team may suspect that the student has a disability as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and conduct a multi-factored evaluation to determine whether there are educational needs which require special education supports and services.

Help for Families

Jody Bergman - Special Education Supervisor
Jody Bergman
Special Education Supervisor 
513.398.0474  ext. 20103
Patty Ryan
Administrative Assistant
513.398.0474  ext. 20151
Dee Dee Walker
Student Support Services Administrator, PK-2
Jenny Woods
Student Support Services Administrator, 3-8
513.398.0474  ext. 71021
Gina Fox
Student Support Services Administrator, 9-12
513.398.0474  ext. 30502