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2024 Safety Summit

The City of Mason and Mason City Schools hosted a CommUNITY Safety Summit on Tuesday, October 15 to provide residents and families an opportunity to come together and learn from public safety and school professionals on ways that both organizations are working together to ensure the safety of community.

The Mason City School District's investments in safety and wellbeing are key to fostering an inclusive environment where each and every learner feels secure and supported. Our Comet Culture emphasizes respect, responsibility, and care for one another, which extends to how we proactively address physical and mental well-being. This is reflected in our safety protocols, mental health initiatives, and our culture of seeing something and saying something - ensuring that all voices are heard and protected. This month's Wayfinding Video showcases our recent Safety Summit - which allowed participants to see how we work with critical partners like the City of Mason Campus Safety Team, Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Mindpeace to ensure our staff and students thrive in a safe, inclusive environment.

From ALICE drills that prepare us for emergencies, to risk and threat assessments that provide early support for students in need, our comprehensive approach focuses on the whole child. We teach students to take ownership of their safety by embracing our Portrait of a Comet enduring human skills—integrity, empathy, adaptability, critical thinking, and communication. These skills not only empower learners to make informed decisions but also foster a community where we look out for each other’s wellbeing every day.

Safety Summit Resources