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Comet Book Study

We are excited to launch the Thrivers Book Study as a part of Mason City Schools Family Academy!  

In 2022-2023, the Mason community came together to determine key human skills learners need to be successful in an ever-changing world. Our community co-created Mason's Portrait of a Comet which included leaning into the human skills of demonstrating integrity, adaptability, empathy, communication and critical thinking.  

This school year, educators, parents, students and community members are invited to read and discuss Dr. Michele Borba's Thrivers. In Thrivers, Dr. Borba offers practical, actionable ways to develop these human skills in children from preschool through high school, showing how to teach kids how to cope today so they can thrive tomorrow. 

We are grateful to the Mason Schools Foundation  for sponsoring this important CommUNITY event!




Buy your discounted copy of THRIVERS from the Mason Schools Foundation!

book cover